Volvo V50 Mw 04-07 Gas Spring Tailgate 30799188 Right Left

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Volvo V50 Mw 04-07 Gas Spring Tailgate 30799188 Right Left

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Volvo V50 Mw 04-07 Gas Spring Tailgate 30799188 Right Left


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All parts of the vehicle show Show all parts of this vehicle Mostra tutte le parti di questo Staubgold Afficher toutes les pices de ce vhicule Most RAR todas las partes de este vehculo Upon receipt of payment until 11:00 (Mon – Fri)
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Same day shipping Con hasta recibo de pago
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Envio el mismo dia VOLVO V50 MW 04-07 Tailgate damper 30799188 Right Left All may lead to looking at the pictures, complete vehicles, are probably already broken down.
If you are interested in these vehicles, spare parts, please contact us. All complete vehicles to be Lakes on the pictures are certainly already disassembled.
If you are interested in vehicles, spare parts of thesis please contact US. Probabilmente tutte le photo sui veicoli because complete vedere sono, probabilmente sono gi smontate. Se be interessato a parti di ricambio di questi veicoli, ti preghiamo di contattarci. Tous ventuellement sur les photos pour voir of Vhicules complets, sont probablement dj dmonts.
SI vous tes interest par les pices de pass de ces Vhicules, s’il vous plat contactez-nous. Todas las Imgenes que se muestran en los vehculos completos, probablemente ya most desmontadas.
SI est interesado en piezas de repuesto de estos vehculos, contctenos. Caution use List! List use attention! Attenzione USA lista! Attention utiliser la list! Lista de uso de Atencin! Because there is always disagreement to this list, the following is to be observed. Even if your vehicle is the same as our data doesn’t mean that everything fits. There can be from the manufacturers production changes in the current models. It is an aid but not 100% guarantee! Please check all images, data from the vehicle, and if necessary given part numbers carefully. Since there are always discrepancies to this list, the following should be noted. Even if your vehicle complies with our data we can not guarantee that our part will fit. Reason: Manufacturers can make production changes in the current models. Please consider this as a selection help with no 100% guarantee! Remember to check all pictures, data of the vehicle and if necessary given part numbers carefully. Poich ci sono sempre discrepanze in questo elenco, si dovrebbe notaries of quanto segue. Anche se il tuo Staubgold conforme ai nostri dati non significa che tutto si adatta. Perch i produttori possono apportare modes Fiche alla produzione nei rudrabasavaraj attuali. un aiuto alla selezione ma non garantito al 100%! SI prega di controllare tutte le immagini, i dati del veicolo e, se necessario, dati i numeri di parte con attenzione. Comme il y a toujours list of divergences par rapport of cette, les points suivants doivent tre nots. Mme si votre vhicule est conforme nos data, cela ne veut pas dire que tout va bien. Parce que les fabricants modifier la production of the Modles peuvent actuels. C’est une aide la slection corn pas de garantie 100%! Veuillez Vrifier toutes les images, les donnes vhicule et, si ncessaire, soigneusement les numros of de pices. Como siempre hay discrepancias en esta lista, se debe tener en cuenta lo siguiente. Incluso con nuestros datos si cumple su vehculo, no significa que todo encaja. Porque los fabricantes pueden hacer cambios de produccin en los modelos actuales. ‘S una ayuda de seleccin pero no garanta 100%! Verifique todas las Imgenes, los datos del vehculo y, si’s necesario, los nmeros de pieza cuidadosamente. Spare parts information Parts Information Informazioni parts Information sur les pices Informacin sobre piezas Designation: Designation: Designation: Designation: Designacin: Tailgate damper
RIGHT LEFT Tl – Manufacturer: Parts manufacturer: Produttore di componenti: Fabricant de pices: Fabricante de piezas: OE no.: Original spare part number: Numero di ricambio original: Numro de pice de pass d’origine: Nmero de repuesto original: 30799188 State: State: Stato: tat: Estado: used Internal No.: Listing number: Numero articolo di: Numro de l’article:. Nmero del artculo: 98716 Remarks: Remarks: Cmmenti: Comments: comentarios:
Data of the originating vehicle: ID 10857 Data of the originating vehicle: ID 10857 Dati del veicolo originario: ID 10857 Donnes du vhicule d’origine: ID 10857 Datos del vehculo originario: ID 10857 Make / Model: Model: Designazione del veicolo: Dsignation you: Modelo: VOLVO V50 MW 04-07 Displacement: (cc) Capacity: (CC) TCU: (CC) Capacit: (CC) Capacidad: (CC) 1560 Power: (KW/HP) Power: (KW/HP) Potere: (KW/HP) Puissance: (KW/HP) Poder: (KW/HP) 81/110 Construction period: Construction period: Periodo di costruzione: De construction period: Perodo de Construccin: 01/2005-12/2011 First registration Date of first registration: Data della prima registrazione: Date de premire inscription: Fecha de primer registro: 18.10.2006 LIVIA/TSN:9101 / SUBSCRIPTION Motorkennb.: Engine number: Numero del motore: Numro de moteur: Nmero de engine: D4164T FIN: VIN: VIN: VIN: VIN: YV1MW765272294022 Color: color: Colore: COLOR: Color: 452 sapphire black Tacho status: Mileage: Chilometraggio: Kilomtrage: Kilometraje: 134841 More Fz.- info: Equipment: Attrezzatura: Equipment: Equipos: 5-door, manual 5-speed gearbox, ABS, ESP, power steering, air conditioning, electric Windows, rear electric Windows front, Central locking, electric. Exterior mirrors, heated seats Delivery Delivery Delivery CONSEGNA Entrega as shown As Shown come mostrato as Shown como se muestra Payment collection Payment pickup Pagamento Collezione Paiement collection Pago Coleccin Bank transfer, PayPal or cash at pickup (first appointment). .., PayPal or cash on pickup (please make appointment in advance). Al ritiro Bonifico bancario, PayPal o in contanti (si prega di fissare un el’appuntamento in anticipo). Virement bancaire, PayPal ou en Espces sur ramassage (veuillez prendre rendez-vous l ‘ avance). Transferencia bancaria, PayPal o dinero en efectivo en la recogida (una por favor Muhamed Ali con anticipacin). FZ.-positions Car positions Positions de voiture Posizioni car Posiciones de coches Notes on used parts Notes on used parts Note sulle parti usate Notes sur les pices usages Notas sobre piezas usadas. Because the offered spare parts is a used part, it may be that it exhibits signs of wear. This is almost always the case with used parts. For this reason they are known also with the word ‘ used ‘ – so have you ever used. This spare part is a used part, it might have signs of wear. This is normal when buying used parts. For this reason, they are of so explicitly classified as ‘used’ to show that it had already been in use. Dal momento che il pezzo di ricambio usato una parte usata, Pu Terance che abbia segni di usura. Questo quasi sempre il caso con le parti usate. Per questo motivo, vengono anche indicati con il dates ‘usato’, che gi utilizzato. Comme il s ‘ agit d’une pice de pass usage, il est possible qu ‘elle prsente of traces d’ usure. C’est presque toujours le cas avec les pices usages. Pour cette raison, ils sont also dsigns par le mot utilis qui est dja utilis. Dado que’s la pieza de repuesto utilizada’s una parte usada, puede ser que tenga signos de desgaste. Este’s Ava siempre el caso con piezas usadas. Por esta Razn, tambin se hace referencia a ellos por la palabra ‘usado’, que ya se United States. Body parts body parts Parti del Corpo parties you corps partes del cuerpo Used Body parts may have scratches and minor bumps.

This is classified in the field of used body parts as normal.
If larger dents or scratches may be present, is always noted.

We supply the body panels as shown (without attachments)!

We ask to control body parts (doors, bonnets, tailgates, fenders etc.) immediately on transport damage on delivery in the presence of the forwarder. Used body parts may have scratches and minor bumps.

This is normal for used body parts.
If larger bumps or scratches are present, it is always pointed out.

We deliver the body parts as shown (without attachments)!

We ask you to inspect body parts (doors, hoods, tailgates, fenders, etc.) immediately on delivery and in the presence of the freight forwarder for any transport damage. Le parti del corpo usate possono presentare graffi e piccoli urti.

Questo normal nel campo delle parti del corpo usate.
SE o sono presenti urti graffi pi grandi, viene sempre indicato.

Consegniamo come mostrato (senza allegati) le parti del corpo!

VI preghiamo di ispezionare immediatamente le parti del corpo (porte, cappucci, parafanghi, parafanghi, ecc.) In presenza di spedizioniere by danni da trasporto. Les parties you corps utilises peuvent mineures prsenter of the gratignures et of the boss.

CECI est normal dans le domaine of the parties you corps usages.
The gratignures plus importantes sont prsentes ou SI of the boss, il est toujours signal.

Nous les livrons du parties corps comme indiqu (sans accessories)!

Nous vous demandons d’inspecter immdiatement les parties de la carrosserie (portes, capots, Hayon, ailes, etc.) at the time de la more, en Prsence you transitaire, afin de dtecter d ‘ ventuels dommages. Las partes del cuerpo usadas pueden tener rasguos y golpes menores.

Esto’s normal en el campo de las partes del cuerpo usadas.
SI hay protuberancias o araazos ms grandes, siempre se seala.

Entregamos las partes del cuerpo como se muestra (accesorios sin)!

Le pedimos que inspeccione las partes del cuerpo (puertas, capotas, compuertas, guardabarros, etc.) en la entrega en presencia del agente de carga de inmediato para fault daos en el transporte. Engines Engines motori moteurs motores Motors are also WITHOUT attachments (such as alternator, starter motor, transmission, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, air compressor, flywheel) delivered. Engines are so supplied WITHOUT attachments (such as alternator, starter, gearbox, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, air conditioning compressor, flywheel). I motori sono inoltre forniti SENZA attacchi (come alternatore, motorino di avviamento, cambio, collettore di in excess sull’aspirazione, collettore di scarico, compressore del climatizzatore, volano). Les moteurs sont galement fournis SANS accessories (tels qu’alternateur, dmarreur, bote de vitesses, collecteur d’ admission, collecteur d ‘ escapement, compresseur de climatisation, d ‘ inertie volant). Accesorios, Los motores tambin se suministran SIN (como alternador, motor de arranque, caja de cambios, colector de admisin, colector de escape, compresor de aire acondicionado, volante). Checkout Purchase transaction Transazione d’acquisto Transaction d’achat Transaccin de compra To ensure a speedy process, please use the ebay checkout and specify your ebay name and article number as the purpose.

The bank account is held by ebay, if you click on ‘pay now’ she will be shown. In order to be able to guarantee a fast processing please use the ebay purchase transaction and state your ebay name and the item number as purpose of use.

The bank account is deposited on ebay, if you click on ‘pay now’ it is displayed. Per essere in grade di garantire un’elaborazione veloce, si prega di utilizzare la transazione di acquisto ebay e di indicare il proprio nome ebay e il numero Dell ‘ articolo come destinazione d ‘ uso.

Il conto bancario depositato su ebay, se si fa clic su paga ‘ora’ viene visualizzato. Afin de pouvoir garantir un traitement rapidly, veuillez utiliser la transaction d’achat eBay et indiquez votre nom ebay ainsi que le numro d ‘ article en tant que but Fisher.

Le compte bancaire est dpos sur eBay, si vous Clik sur maintenant Payer, il est affich. Procesamiento para poder garantizar un rpido, utilice la transaccin de compra de eBay e indique su nombre de eBay y el nmero de artculo como propsito de uso.

La cuenta bancaria se deposita en eBay. SI hace clic en ‘pagar ahora’, se most rar. Shipping Processing Shipping Process Processo di spedizione Processus d ‘ expdition proceso de envo When purchasing multiple items, the shipping costs will vary only in the case that a different weight class or another package size is achieved.
A cash on delivery is not possible.

In the case of purchasing multiple items, we will inform you the total amount with promptly.

Since commissioned shipper when shipping larger items (such as motors or gearboxes), we need a rapid and smooth handling your phone number. When you buy multiple items, the shipping costs change only in the event that a different weight class or package size is reached
Cash on delivery is not possible.

In case of buying multiple items, we’ll tell you the total amount in a timely manner.

Since we commission a forwarding agency for the transhipment of larger items (such as engines or transmissions), we need your telephone number for a speedy and problem-free processing. Quando acquisti articoli pi, i costi di spedizione cambiano solo nel caso in cui Didi raggiunta una diversa dimensione del pacco classe di peso o
UNA consegna in Contra segno non possibile.

In caso di acquisto di pi articoli, ti comunicheremo l ‘ importo tempestivo total in modo.

Dal momento che commissioniamo un’agenzia per la spedizione di spedizione di articoli pi grandi (come o trasmissioni motori), abbiamo bi Sogno del tuo numero di telefono per un’elaborazione rapida e senza problemi. Lorsque vous achetez plusieurs articles, Chan Ghent les frais de port ne que si une classe de poids ou une waist d ‘ emballage diffrente est atteinte
Une contre remboursement known n’est pas possible.

En cas d’achat de plusieurs articles, nous vous indiquerons le montant total en temps utile.

tant donn que nous faisons appel of une agence d ‘ expdition pour l ‘ envoir de gros articles (with que of moteurs ou of the transmissions), nous avons besoin de votre Numro de tlphone of pour un traitement rapide et sans problems. Cuando compra varios Artculos, los costos de envo solo cambin en caso de que se alcance una clase de peso o diferente Tamao de paquete
No. realizar posible una entrega contra reembolso.

En el caso de comprar varios Artculos, le informaremos el monto total de manera oportuna.

Dado que encargamos una agencia de reenvo para el envo de artculos of ms grandes (como motores o transmisiones), necesitamos su Nmero de telfono para un of rpido procesamiento y sin problemas. Template of software kernel Fz.- Modell/Typ V50 MW 04-07 Vergleichsnummer1 30799188 Motor 1560 ccm 81 KW / 110 PS Fz.- Hersteller VOLVO Hersteller VOLVO Erstzulassung 18.10.2006 Farbe 452 Saphirschwarz EAN Nicht zutreffend Interne Artikelnummer 98716 HSN/TSN (KBA2/KBA3) 9101 / ABO Getriebe Schaltgetriebe 5-Gang Referenznummer(n) OEM Lift Heckklappenlift Heckklappenlifte Referenznummer(n) OEM Gasfederheckklappe Dmpfer, Damper, Referenznummer(n) OEM Amortisseur,Ammortizzatore, Referenznummer(n) OEM Amortiguador,Dmpfer, Motor Lager, Referenznummer(n) OEM Schwingungsdmpfer,Hatchback Door, Referenznummer(n) OEM Hayon,Cofano posteriore, Puerta Referenznummer(n) OEM trasera,Heckklappe, Kofferraum Klappe, Referenznummer(n) OEM Kofferraumdeckel,Kofferraumplappe, gas Referenznummer(n) OEM pressurespring, ressort pression de Referenznummer(n) OEM gaz,molla a gas, resorte de presin de Referenznummer(n) OEM gas Motor-Code D4164T (D4164T) Herstellernummer 30799188 (98716) Produktgruppe Karosserie und Innenausstattung Produkttyp Heckklappendmpfer Artikelnummer 30799188 (98716)

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Category: Vehicle Parts and Accessories:Car Parts:Other Car Parts
Location: Wachtendonk